The very place where Americas first president George Washington spent almost 7 weeks in 1751 at the age of 19.

Learn why he fell in love with this most precious British colony and understand how this visit shaped his life and influenced world history.

Experience a high definition film of his visit and then take a guided tour of the carefully restored house that he slept in.
Learn about and experience the mysterious Garrison Tunnels, built around 1820 partly to provide covert communications and escape for 3,000 soldiers who lived in Barbados’ Garrison.

For further information please email or call (246) 228 5461
Private 5 course ‘Dinner with George’ with period dramatisation for 24 - 30 people
Breakfast and lunch served daily at their café from 7am
Adults: US$20
Children under 12: US$10
Childen under 5: Free
Groups 10 or more - 10% Discount